Festa do Batizado

Traditional Ceremony

The Batizado is a traditional rank advancement ceremony.  Historically, the batizado represented the first time a student played in the roda.  Today, batizado events have evolved into celebrations of capoeira where participants  recognize the progress of local students while taking advantage of opportunities to train and play with guest instructors and visitng capoeiristas. Capoeira Minnesota hosts annual batizado e troca de cordões events on the third weekend in October.

Workshops and Rodas

Once of the most important benefits of participating in the batizado is the chance to train with guest instructors in capoeira masterclasses.  Admission to workshops is included in your batizado registration fee. The Friday night open roda also provides an excellent opportunity to play with new friends and to see many different capoeiristas in action.

Cord Tests and Rank Advancements

Students demonstrate their progress during our stripe exams and batizado week with in class cord “tests.” Our stripe exams occur every 3 months (January, April, & July) while our Batizado and troca de cordões occurs every October. Each stripe exam focuses on a very specific pillar in our capoeira curriculum. The green stripe signifies you are excelling in your martial and movement requirements. The yellow stripe signifies you are excelling in your music and instruments requirements. The blue stripe signifies you are excelling in your Portuguese and history requirements. Preparing for testing helps students focus their training.  

Afro Brazilian Capoeira in the Minnesota Twin Cities. St Paul Minneapolis and surrounding areas